
Sunday, 23 March 2014

Shrove madness

A double post, to catch up with my March bakes. So the 4th March brought about Shrove Tuesday and I've always tried to ensure I have friends around to celebrate. Making pancakes for yourself just isn't the same. This year, I had a stitching relating pancake night. Sewing friends were invited around for a night of pancakes (yes, quite literally a night, 3 course meal of pancakes) and then as we recovered, we got to watch the Sewing Bee - perfect!

The menu line up was:

Butternut Squash and Feta Cheese

Hotdog pancakes

Pancakes server with any of the following:
Banana, Lemon, Orange, Marshmallows, peanut butter, maple syrup, golden syrup, chocolate spread, honey, caster sugar (I think that's everything!)

I dread to think how many we had between us, and we did have a mini disaster with the first pancake - attempting to toss it over a gas hob, ended with a pancake on the gas flames....after that we went for a safer approach of using a fish slice to "toss" them.

How scrummy do these look though


Following on from a successful Shrove Tuesday, I then took part on the Sunday Bake club Shrove Sunday challenge - bake something with your favourite pancake ingredients -

So I quickly whipped up a honey and banana muffin, which I used as breakfast muffins for the week. Very delicious recipe adapted from the one I found here:

I say adapted, as I didn't have wholemeal four (only wholemeal bread flour) or coconut oil, so a few adaptations (half and half bread flour and normal flour, and plain sunflower oil), and they were just as delicious, and made up such a big batch that they got shared around at work as well.  I also had a load of carrots to use up, so made some carrot muffins as well, definitely has kept me in breakfast muffins for a while!!!

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